In Devotion To Love

fall in love with yourself, with life AND with your (future) partner from a place of peace and safety

You’ve got a choice…

Online relationship coaching for men and women.

A trauma informed, religion & culturally sensitive, somatic based approach.

My intention is to help you empower yourself. To (re)connect to the infinite wisdom of your body. To find true freedom of choice. And to live the life you desire.

You taking radical ownership of your love, life and relationships, will help you thrive regardless of what is coming your way. Because you will know how to hold yourself.

No matter what.

“Marloes has an intuitive coaching style that goes beyond her formal training - she instinctively knows how to guide a session, when to ask really powerful questions and where you need to be lead to.”


About me

The past years I fully immersed myself in getting to know MYSELF. I had no other option. I needed to face my demons to finally get out of a loooong burn-out and depression.

Part of that journey was a happy divorce (yes, we’re still friends). And many new adventures like buying a house, living in a different country and a training to become a love & relationship coach.

To eventually come home. Meaning, I am learning to embrace ALL of me. Also the parts that don’t feel very lovable at first. I no longer feel the need to change people. Relationships naturally evolve. Or they don’t. And that’s ok too.

It’s a continuing journey with successes and also some failures. But doing that inner work has brought much joy and peace to my life.

By the way, I finished that year long training a while ago and I can proudly call myself a certified VITA love & relationship coach.

“This extraordinary session was the biggest gift someone gave me in a while. There were so many shifts after „only“ 2 hours. Since our session my own coaching work doesn’t feel draining anymore. Instead it replenishes my energy because I can go with the flow, stay in my feminine energy & follow my intuition easily. Our session inspired me in so many ways!!”


Maybe this will be your recommendation one day. Are you ready to receive the love that is longing to embrace you?

To be decided…

"I felt so safe, secure and open to expressing anything I needed to express. Without fear of judgment. Marloes really understands me well and the challenges I was facing, whilst holding a beautiful, loving space. She has a confident and compassionate energy. Thank you Marloes!"


Embark on your coaching journey

I strongly believe that coaching is a necessity, not just a privilege for wealthy people. Therefore I offer a number of spots at a reduced price for clients with low incomes or living in developing countries. Please contact me for more information.

A taster

The exploration

€725,- incl. 21% VAT for 6 sessions of 90 minutes

Would you like to feel it before you commit for the long term? I feel you!

In 6 sessions we will uncover and explore your deepest desires for love, life and relationships. And lay the foundations for a stronger relationship with yourself.

Taking it slow

The journey

€1350,- incl. 21% VAT for 12 sessions of 90 minutes

A safe and nourishing relationship with yourself, will help you to create the partnership you desire.

Are you struggling to create or maintain a committed relationship? Do you desire true union?

I am here to help you. To assist in exploring who you are underneath the layers of protection.

What do you desire? What do you long for in a relationship? Where are your edges? Your triggers?

What do you need to feel more? To be fully alive in the moment? To express yourself?

The more you love and accept who YOU are, the easier it gets to call in the love that was there for you all along.

Taking full ownership.

Deep Dive

The expedition

Coming soon!

Just to give you an idea...

This is for you if you are ready to go ALL IN with weekly sessions of 2 to 3 hours. To go DEEP with amazing tools that will shine light on your relationship patterns. And to help you create true safety WITHIN, to hold yourself and your relationships at a level you never even imagined.

I am right now looking for try-out clients who will have the opportunity to experience all the goodness The companionship has to offer at a once in a lifetime reduced rate. Send me an e-mail if you’d LOVE to take this opportunity.

"Marloes is fully present without any judgement, not matter what is coming up during the session. This, combined with her intuitive approach, is what makes Marloes not only a powerful woman. It also makes her an incredible and wise coach."


"I found her process so insightful and revealing, nourishing and inspiring. I am extremely grateful to have experienced her masterful coaching and encourage anyone desiring to experience a beautiful journey into themselves, to do so with Marloes as their coach."


"Marloes has a lovely warm personality, a sense of resilience and creative resourcefulness. I happily recommend her to you and would welcome further coaching sessions with her myself!"

Ann Marie